Tick, tick, tick…
Apr 11, 2014 Computers, Electronic Projects, Home Projects, Linux, MythTV, Programming, Rain Barrel
My, how time flies.
I need to catch up on a bunch of stuff soon.
- First, I have started building custom K-Cup holders called the Kupousel. Please check them out.
- I have spent a lot of time with my “new” CNC’ed X2 Mini-Mill. Lots of mods and stuff I hope to post about.
- Sill making Tonal Insanity effects pedals. The mill is helping with them. Started using surface mounted components.
- Got my hands on some Arduino knock-offs and been using them to develop other AVR stuff.
- Built an SMD reflow oven from a toaster oven and a ATmega for a PID control.
- Built (cobbled together) a new spindle for my old router when the Roto-Zip started to give out. It also has less run out so I can route PC board directly now, even SMD stuff.
- Completely re-written my Board Tools program with even more options, partly to take advantage of the new spindle and mill.
- Will be re-re-re-building the rain barrel yet again this year. Last year I tested a control using a pico-power ATtiny13a AVR. Worked well, needs a bit of fine tuning. Main reason for rebuild is the barrel cracked, I moved the garden, and I dropped the solar panel at the end of last year and broke it.
- Building my daughter a loft bed – out of an old desk.
- Rebuilt my MythTV system and got in a fight with the stupid cable box that uses XMP IR protocol. (on going)
- Oh! It has been so long I never mentioned my new main computer: 8-core! AMD “Bulldozer” FX-8120, liquid cooled, msi 970A-G46, 16GB RAM, 1TB HD, Bu-ray burner, 23″ wide screen monitor, running Fedora 19 (20 soon). It F…’IN SCREAMS! Built Android (for A10) complete from source in a few hours! That was why I got it thrown in on a job to modify a Mele A2000 STB into a network/web based, Scent Palette controller. Builds MythTV in about 10 minutes.
Hopefully I will add more info in less than the next 2 years!